
Abstract Art

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Is Photography done by just following the Rules, the usual methods, and techniques? Well, if that was done, Abstract Art would never have developed. In fact, Photography is all about taking your creativity to the utmost level, thinking outside the box, and making the unbelievable happen. Abstract Art is that form of Photography where you break the Rules and create the unimaginable; it's about playing off the term. It's all about how you see the World. To be honest, each and every field of Photogrpahy can be transformed into Abstract Art by just small adjustments and changes of perspectives.

Here are some of the techniques:

1. Patterns and Shapes - In our everyday lives, we often see various patterns and shapes, starting from the lines drawn on your notebook to the railings in your house, from wooden doors to the leaf anatomy, everything has got a beautiful pattern, you just gotta have a different and unique vision to view it.


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2. ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) - Its a usual and most popular method of creating abstract art. All you gotta do is select a subject and with a slightly slower shutter speed(1/3s, 1/5s, 1s), you gotta capture your subject, while intentionally moving your camera. This is a hit and trial method which means you m, ay get a good shot or an absolutely blurred shot. To not get a blurred shot, do imagine your shot before taking a picture. it would help you move the camera in the desired direction and get what you wanted. 

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3. Creating Objects - Don't think I'm telling you to go to Adobe Illustrator or buy a glass ball and then shoot. Yeah, that may be a technique, but something made on your own gives you greater satisfaction. You might need to think for hours and you may need thousands of trial shots, but your hard work pays off in the end. For eg, try flashing light into water or use reflective objects or use fumes to give a greater depth,  and turn them into something out of this world. 

4. Bokeh - Bokeh shot means making the subject in focus and blur out the background. Right? Well, for Abstract Art, we shoot the blur. yes, you heard it right, there is intentional blurring out the photograph. Some people won't like it and tbh, it doesn't suit every scenario but it's a great fun method and also sometimes you get jaw-dropping shots. 

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5. Extras - Here are some extra shots that might help you in imagining a shot for yourself. Take  inspiration from it and making your own Abstract Art. Remeber, Abstract Photography is letting your soul decide the shot, not the everyday normal rules! 

> I hope that you would have benefited from this blog and you're ready to shoot photographs that would make people go "WOW!"

> All commnets and feedbacks are heartily accepted! 

> Comment below your favorite technique. Also, comment down, which topic would you like me to cover in the next blog. 

> Follow me up on Instagram -

> No images should be used with the prior consent of the publisher. 


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